I'm Jason

Interaction Designer & Adventurer

Curious Mind, Always Exploring

Learnt a lot about communication in customer service.
UNSW - Bachelor of Commerce
Studying commerce was a valuable experience - learning about management and culture.
USYD - Bachelor of Interaction Design
My pivot to design was the best choice I could have made. I enjoy it so much!
Tamkang Unversity, Taiwan - HSK3
I spent 2 months in Taipei, Taiwan learning Mandarin, Chinese. Great experience!
Case Crack Competition
Although we didn’t win, it was the first opportunity I got to publicly display my designs and it opened the door for so many more opportunities.
Product Innovation Program
We came in second place! We created an online app that supported virtual learning for scientific practicals
I worked with a fashion startup called DAPPA, where we gained insight into professional practices and firsthand experience in client-facing work.
TAMSO Design Interm
Currently interning at TAMSO, a design agency based in Sydney. I get to design and build websites for a variety of different clients.
The Things I Love
I love going on adventures and trying new things. I love fantasy and things surrounding it. I love World of Warcraft, anime and fantastical worlds. I love staring off into the distance and imagining things and I think that’s what makes me a good designer - I love thinking about things that don’t exist. 

I have a deep passion for design, where every project is an opportunity to explore, innovate and imagine.
I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical proficiency to the projects that I work on. I craft intuitive interfaces that marry aesthetics with seamless functionality, I have experience in code that makes me friendly with developers, and I possess the skills and experience that helps me with client facing work from a commerce degree and an internship at a design agency.  

In pursuit of a career in UX design, I am currently equipped with the necessary skills and enthusiasm to begin my professional journey. I am committed to continuous learning and aim to make meaningful contributions to the companies I work for.